Tree of the month: Magnolia 'Susan'

Magnolia ‘Susan’ is a selection that was made from a batch of seedlings from the National Arboretum in Washington D.C., USA. It is a hybrid between Magnolia liliiflora and Magnolia stellata, and shares the best attributes of both ‘parents’. This selection stands out on account of the deep purple flowers and the characteristic shape of the buds. In maturity, it makes a large shrub or small tree with a broad vase-shaped, semi-open crown three metres tall and wide.
Magnolia ‘Susan’ is a selection that was made from a batch of seedlings from the National Arboretum in Washington D.C., USA. It is a hybrid between Magnolia liliiflora and Magnolia stellata, and shares the best attributes of both ‘parents’. This selection stands out on account of the deep purple flowers and the characteristic shape of the buds. In maturity, it makes a large shrub or small tree with a broad vase-shaped, semi-open crown three metres tall and wide.
Origin of name
The magnolia was named after Pierre Magnol, the head of the botanic gardens in Montpellier at the end of the seventeenth century. Magnol's pioneering insight into the grouping of plants within a family came from his intuitive ability to identify similar characteristics between closely related species. As a tribute to his botanical contributions, fellow botanist Charles Plumier bestowed the genus Magnolia and the family Magnoliaceae with Magnol's name.
Recognizable spring flowers
Magnolias and are known for their large, conspicuous flowers. The tree originates from Asia and America. All winter long, the large, hairy buds of Magnolia ‘Susan’ hint at the lovely flowers to come. From mid-March until mid-April, Magnolia ‘Susan’ makes an enchanting specimen with its large, fragrant flowers with their recognisable perfume. The foliage emerges once the first flowers have appeared and the tree retains its colour during the summer before changing to a delightful yellow in the autumn. Sometimes a second flush of flowers appears in summer.
Maintenance Magnolia 'Susan'
Magnolia 'Susan' is an excellent multi-stem tree for big and small gardens, providing spectacular ornamental value in the spring. This selection is also perfectly suited for road verges, planters and containers, as well as parks. The tree is moderately wind tolerant and performs best on well-drained, moist soil with plenty of light. Pruning is generally not necessary, meaning this tree is low maintenance. It may be pruned to a desired shape as required. It is advisable to protect the tree against sunburn if planted in an open site.